Our Blog
Did Illinois Just Ban Non-Competes for Mental Health Providers? Not Quite.
- Employment Law,
- For Employees,
- For Employers,
- Physician Employment,
- Small Business,
- Government,
- Non-compete,
- Legal Changes,
- Non-solicitation,
- Restrictive covenant,
- Human Resources,
- Strategic Planning,
- Contract Law,
- Mental Health,
- Amit Bindra,
- Angelia Salgado,
- Healthcare,
- Illinois
Employers: What Should You Do if ICE Knocks at Your Door?
- For Employers,
- Training,
- Employee Relations,
- Emergency,
- Government,
- Human Resources,
- Strategic Planning,
- Matt Tedeschi,
- Compliance ,
- Paula Acosta,
- Immigration
Trump Terminated a Top NLRB Official, Who Called the Move a “Blatant Violation” of Law. How Will It Affect Workers?
- Employment Law,
- For Employees,
- Wrongful Termination,
- Government,
- Legal Changes,
- Strategic Planning,
- Matt Tedeschi,
- Termination
Trump Has Purged Top EEOC Officials. What Does That Mean for Workers?
- Employment Law,
- For Employees,
- Wrongful Termination,
- Diversity,
- Government,
- Legal Changes,
- Strategic Planning,
- Matt Tedeschi,
- Discrimination,
- Title VII,
- Politics,
- Workplace Discrimination,
- Termination
Enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act Not So Transparent: What Recent Legal Challenges Mean for Your Business
- For Employers,
- Government,
- Legal Changes,
- Strategic Planning,
- Contingency Planning,
- Supreme Court,
- Courts,
- Compliance ,
- Katie Rinkus,
- Business,
- Corporate law,
- Corporate Transparency Act
Many New Employment Law Changes Are Coming to Illinois in 2025
- Employment Law,
- For Employees,
- For Employers,
- Minimum Wage,
- Anti-Discrimination,
- Wages,
- Government,
- Legal Changes,
- Equal Pay,
- AI ,
- Human Resources,
- Disability,
- Contingency Planning,
- Matt Tedeschi,
- Discrimination,
- Compliance ,
- Illinois,
A Federal Texas Court Has Suspended the Corporate Transparency Act
- For Employers,
- Small Business,
- Government,
- Legal Changes,
- Strategic Planning,
- Courts,
- Compliance ,
- Katie Rinkus,
- Business,
- Corporate law,
- LLC,
- Corporate Transparency Act
Who’s In Charge Here? Key Roles in Corporations and LLCs
- For Employers,
- Small Business,
- Strategic Planning,
- Katie Rinkus,
- Business,
- Corporate law,
- Starting a business,
- Launch It Legally,
A Federal Court Has Blocked the DOL from Expanding Overtime Pay
- Employment Law,
- Wages,
- Government,
- Overtime,
- Courts,
- Compensation,
- Paula Acosta,
Does Illinois Allow Voting Leave?
- Employment Law,
- For Employees,
- For Employers,
- Employee Relations,
- Voting in Illinois,
- Voting Leave,
- Handbook Compliance,
- Small Business,
- Government,
- Scheduling,
- Human Resources,
- Compliance ,
- Politics,
- Illinois,
- Laura Feldman,
- Leave from work,
- PTO,
- Chicago
The ABCs of Business Entities
- For Employers,
- Small Business,
- Strategic Planning,
- Katie Rinkus,
- Business,
- Corporate law,
- Starting a business,
- Launch It Legally
Ever Feel Like Someone is Watching You? Perhaps Your Employer Is.
- For Employees,
- Employee Relations,
- Work from home,
- Privacy,
- Human Resources,
- Poonam Lakhani,
- Workplace culture,
- Digital Workplace,
- Remote Working
Can You Be Pregnant and an All-Star? The WNBA Wrestles with Allegations of Discrimination—and Its Commitment to Its Players.
- Employee Relations,
- Human Resources,
- Women in the Workplace,
- Retaliation,
- Discrimination,
- Title VII,
- Workplace culture,
- Pregnancy,
- Sports,
- Accommodation,
- Leave from work,
- Kristin Hendriksen,
Your Business Needs a Website Privacy Policy, but What Should Be in It?
- For Employers,
- Liability,
- Small Business,
- Privacy,
- Human Resources,
- Strategic Planning,
- Compliance ,
- Digital Workplace,
- Katie Rinkus,
- Business
What We Can Learn from the NY Philharmonic Sexual Assault Scandal?
- #MeToo,
- Sexual Harassment Policies,
- Human Resources,
- Women in the Workplace,
- Workplace culture,
- sexual harassment,
- Workplace investigations,
- Laura Feldman,
- Rebecca Baba,
- Sexual assault,
- Culture audits
The EEOC Endorses Independent Workplace Investigators and Culture Audits
- For Employers,
- Company Values,
- Anti-Discrimination,
- Employee Relations,
- Government,
- Legal Changes,
- ADA,
- Human Resources,
- Christina Hynes Mesco,
- Title VII,
- sexual harassment,
- Workplace investigations,
- Culture audits
Minimum Wage Increases in July
- Employment Law,
- For Employees,
- For Employers,
- Minimum Wage,
- Wages,
- Legal Changes,
- Matt Tedeschi,
- Compliance ,
- Chicago
Strategies for Enhancing Mental Health in the Workplace
- For Employers,
- Company Values,
- Positive Work Environment,
- Employee Relations,
- Human Resources,
- Mental Health,
- Angelia Salgado,
- Workplace culture,
- Healthcare,
- Culture audits
Help! What Language Are My Gen Z Coworkers Speaking?
- Communication,
- For Employees,
- For Employers,
- Positive Work Environment,
- Daily Routine,
- Employee Relations,
- Diversity,
- Matt Tedeschi,
- Workplace culture,
- Julia Patitucci
Happier Employees and Fewer Risks: The Power of Culture Audits
- For Employers,
- Company Values,
- Positive Work Environment,
- Employee Relations,
- Human Resources,
- Contingency Planning,
- Christina Hynes Mesco,
- Workplace investigations,
- Culture audits
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If your issue is specifically related to workplace discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, you will have the option to let us know even more after you hit “submit” by using CaseBuilder, a third-party case analyzer that helps you better understand what qualifies as a legal claim and if your matter might rise to the level of a legal opportunity.