Every Business in Illinois Is Required to Provide Harassment Training—Regardless of Its Size

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We usually try to use creative titles and captions for our blog posts. But it’s getting to the end of the year and many businesses in Illinois have not yet completed their required annual harassment training. Small business owners might find this training burdensome, annoying, expensive, or pointless because of course there is no harassment in your business. But the fact is, business owners cannot be aware of every interaction taking place among their employees.

Harassment training gives employees and business owners a chance to expand knowledge on what constitutes harassment and how it can be addressed. Although it might seem that we should collectively be beyond this stage, recent local stories alone demonstrate that we are not. For example, refer to the scandals and investigations at the Chicago Blackhawks, the Chicago Park District, Parlor Pizza, and numerous Chicago radio stations and it will quickly become clear that we have more work to do. Not only is harassment still prevalent, but businesses large and small continue to ignore its impact.

Small businesses have an opportunity to provide group trainings that can inspire dialogue and awareness. Harassment endures because so many of us stand by or turn away when we see it. While we believe that independent training from a third party is best (and from your lawyer is even better), the Illinois Department of Human Rights provides a free presentation that you can use to meet your legal requirements.

Make sure your company is in compliance and completes its harassment prevention training before December 31st!