What To Do If You're Being Sexually Harassed

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Sexual harassment is the term used to describe any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other conduct and behavior that is considered inappropriate in the workplace. If you find yourself on the receiving end of unfavorable and unwanted advances – whether it be quid pro quo or a hostile work environment – you have every right to take action to put an end to it.

Don’t Fall Silent

If you’re noticing that the offensive conduct is repetitive, don’t be afraid to speak up. Letting the harasser know that you’re aware of his or her behavior and that you find it inappropriate may put an end to it. The first step is speaking up, and if the issue remains unresolved, at least the harasser is made aware that you’re taking note of the behavior and that you expect it to end – even if it means taking legal action.

Review Your Employer’s Procedures and Policies

Your place of employment has an obligation to keep its employees safe from behavior that can result in an unwelcoming work environment. It’s also important to remember that you are protected under Title VII – a federal law that prohibits discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on the employee’s sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. If your company does not have any policy to address the issue, bring it up with your immediate supervisor.

Hire an Attorney

If it’s obvious your harasser doesn’t care and your employer will not take the necessary action to eradicate the offensive behavior, it’s time to take legal action with a trusted attorney on your side. Being subjected to sexual harassment can result in emotional injuries and you have a right to advocate for yourself and pursue justice.

At The Prinz Law Firm, our Chicago employment attorneys have extensive experience in handling a wide range of employment issues. As a hard-working individual, you have rights and it is our duty to protect them. No one should have to spend each day in a harmful work environment. Let us pursue justice on your behalf.

Call The Prinz Law Firm today at (312) 212-4450 to learn how we can help or fill out our brief online form to request a consultation.
