Five Ways to Re-Energize Your Job Search

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Even though the economy has been steadily improving, looking for a job can still be very disheartening. Especially for executives, a job search may last weeks or even longer. Above all, it is important to stay positive and think strategically about how you can accelerate your job search. This post describes five ways that you can re-energize your job search in the new year.

Revamp Your Resume

While it’s essential for your resume to be accurate in every way, it is more than just a fact sheet about your life. Use active, persuasive language to explain your experience and how you helped contribute to your previous employers.

While it may be cumbersome, you may consider using multiple resumes if you are targeting more than one employer in your job search. Highlight the experiences and skills that would be most relevant to each potential employer.

Sharpen Your Skills

If you have been out of school for a long time, you may not be fully aware of new developments in your field. Consider taking a continuing education course that will help you to become more competitive in your field. Your new skills can also be a great conversation starter during your next interview.


Not only does volunteering allow you to give back to the community, it is a great way to network with fellow volunteers. If you are trying to change industries, volunteering may even give you the opportunity to gain valuable, on-the-job experience.

Work with a Professional Career Coach

Especially if your other strategies have not panned out, working with a professional career coach could prove to be an excellent investment. A coach could help you come up with a custom plan to help you take the next step in your career.

Find New Ways to Network

Networking can be more than just attending professional events. Sites like LinkedIn can be a great resource for networking. Email listserves relating to your chosen field can also be extremely helpful. Be creative and branch out.
