Three Mistakes to Avoid as a Manager

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Great leadership is more than simply delegating assignments and reviewing work. True motivation requires you to be attuned to not only the needs of your colleagues and workplace, but to your own behavior as well. Are you unknowingly projecting an image that you do not want your co-workers to imitate? This post will highlight three ways in which you may not be effectively modeling leadership in the office and how you may go about changing those behaviors.

  • Mistake # 1: Refusing to delegate important projects. When you only delegate “unimportant” projects, not only does it cause you to burn out because you are reserving all the critical projects for yourself, but it conveys a sense that you do not trust your team. When you take risks by allowing your team members to participate in crucial assignments, you are taking a big step in helping to develop the careers of your team and improving morale.
  • Mistake # 2: Not modeling exemplary workplace behavior. When you take excess time off, make personal calls in the office, and communicate unprofessionally, your team members may start to think that such behavior is the norm in your workplace. Many executives are unaware of the degree to which their team members imitate them and pick up their own work habits. Model workplace behavior begins with you.
  • Mistake # 3: Not making time for your team. It can be easy to think that your most important function at your office is to immerse yourself in your own work. However, this may convey the image that you are inaccessible for the guidance that your team needs to grow. Block out specific times on your calendar in which you guarantee that you will be available to your team to answer questions and provide feedback.