Remembering the Value of Face Time

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A lot of companies have created flexible work options, allowing their employees to work from the comfort of their homes. Working from home can save time commuting and allow an employee to deal with personal errands. An employee working remotely can still be available via phone, email, or even video. Despite the ease that technology allows for communication, face time is still incredibly important, especially for employees that work with a team.

First, the employees that are easily accessible are typically the employees that receive important projects. It is still easier to stop by someone’s office to discuss an important project than it is to schedule time with someone who is working remotely.

Second, face-to-face conversations lead to intangible benefits. Conversations that develop in the break room or hallways can lead to collaboration and creative ideas. An office setting can also maximize focus and motivation. There could be several distractions at home that an office would minimize. It might be easier to stay productive and motivated if there is an entire office of people working on projects.

Finally, visibility and easy accessibility can help with career advancements and promotions. Even if two employees are working the same amount, seeing one employee doing the work at the office creates more of a lasting impression on a supervisor.

Employees should take advantage of flexible work options, especially if it improves quality of life and work balance. However, it is important not to forget the value of face time.
