Workplace Training for Executives & Business Owners
Helping Your Business Grow Thoughtfully
The importance of good managers and sound policies guiding your day-to-day business operations cannot be overstated. Study after study and our own experiences have shown us that a good management team and a positive workplace culture yields happier employees, increased productivity, fewer employment-related claims and a more successful, profitable business.
Management training is often overlooked, but must be an integral part of your business’ strategic plan. Your organization may not feel the immediate pain of ignoring training and culture development, but long-term disregard can lead to catastrophic results. Just read the news: cautionary tales of this particular problem abound. Training can often help head off and eliminate painful, costly, and distracting employment-related claims which can sour your business no matter how successful it's been.
Our trainings will help ensure that your management and employees are cultivating a positive workplace culture. A strong culture enables your workplace to be more productive and more appealing, improving recruitment and increasing retention. Please browse our offerings below!
To view our webinar offerings, which include virtual workplace training options, please click here.
Call The Prinz Law Firm today at (312) 345-6603!
Our Offerings
Whether your organization is a recent start-up or a decades old operation, we can help equip your managers with the tools needed to thrive and scale. We offer custom-tailored training services to fit your business’ needs both on and off site. Our trainings can be utilized on a one-time or ongoing basis to ensure your team is equipped with the skills they need to expertly handle challenges that might otherwise be stumbling blocks.-
Employee Handbook Review and Training
A handbook is only useful if managers understand the policies and terms and are armed with strategies for enforcement. This workshop focuses on undertaking a comprehensive review of your employment policies and equipping your managers, who are on the front lines day-to-day, with the tools they need to help ensure the policies are practiced and fairly enforced.
Company Cultural Assessment and Culture Training
Basic steps in helping cultivate an ideal culture for your business include taking an inventory of the policies and practices that work for your team and using these to create a comprehensive employment policy or handbook. We can help you create the standards for the culture you want to achieve and help make that culture a reality.
Workplace Discrimination and RetaliationHelp your employees understand the legal view of workplace discrimination and retaliation, and adopt strategies for avoiding and eliminating discriminatory/retaliatory conduct.
Identifying and Preventing Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceWhat legally constitutes harassment? Through case studies and interactive demonstrations, this workshop focuses on how to identify, avoid, and rectify sexual harassment in the workplace.
Accommodation, Discrimination, and the Americans with Disabilities ActHelp ensure that your managers know when an employee might need assistance managing his or her disability in the workplace, understand when and what accommodations must be offered and provided, and what constitutes disability discrimination.
Navigating the Fair Labor Standards ActWage and hour litigation can be costly and catastrophic to businesses. Get compliance right the first time by understanding the basics of FLSA, including employee classification, working time pay requirements, proper deductions and recordkeeping requirements.
Effective Management of Non-Performing EmployeesEmployees should know early and often when they are not meeting the objectives of their positions. Help your managers encourage top-notch performance from their employees and employ practical strategies (that do not lead to company liability) for those employees that cannot meet performance standards.
Conflict ResolutionThis training gives your managers and supervisors the tools they need to respond to unacceptable workplace behaviors. Our attorneys can advise your management team on determining whether to handle employee grievances informally versus when to involve Human Resources or legal counsel.
Workplace CommunicationEffective organizational communication is the basis for a thriving business. Understand appropriate communication guidelines, and how and when to communicate with your team in the most effective manner. Avoid pitfalls which can become the basis for legal claims against your organization, and employ strategies to boost employee morale and engagement.
Mitigating Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation RisksUnderstand the legal landscape governing harassment and discrimination at federal, state, and local levels. Understand reporting requirements and proper complaint handling procedures.
Get In Touch
Let us know the basic details of your employment or business issue by filling out our contact form.
If your issue is specifically related to workplace discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, you will have the option to let us know even more after you hit “submit” by using CaseBuilder, a third-party case analyzer that helps you better understand what qualifies as a legal claim and if your matter might rise to the level of a legal opportunity.