Training & Development
Creating Your Career Plan in Chicago, IL
The Prinz Law Firm works with you well beyond the scope of negotiation and litigation. We want to be your personal career agents and help you achieve your aspirations. Additionally, professionals and executives cannot afford to rely on long-term employment with any one employer. Companies are loyal to their bottom lines, and in turn, employees need to be loyal to their own financial and personal success goal.
A career plan, similar to a business plan, is a means by which to map out those goals and the process by which you will achieve them. Treating your career as an entity separate and apart from your employer allows you to examine professional development from a new, detached perspective.
As our clients develop their lifelong career plans, we coach them to work proactively with current and/or prospective employers in setting measurable goals. We direct our clients to manage their employer’s expectations by showing them how to properly present their goals and encourage employers to support those goals. We inspire our clients to reach above and beyond the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary.
Identifying Your Career Plan
Our team has helped countless professionals identify and map out their career paths. We understand that compensation is only one aspect of personal success. We know that, in today's market, it is more important than ever to plan your career as if it was its own business. You need to be an individual and stand out from the crowd.
Promoting Personal Advancement
Knowing your value gives you leverage in negotiations. Understanding weakness is just as important, as even a routine meeting or chance encounter can offer an opportunity for promotion or career advancement. Having a plan for the unexpected can be the determining factor in whether you will achieve your personal goals.
Once you know where you want to go and how you want to get there, you need to know where to turn for help. We have developed a vast network of professionals who are available to assist you along the way. Working with a team will allow you to expand your perspective and find untapped avenues.
Internal Communications
When corresponding with supervisors and colleagues, it is important for an employee to temper assertive communication with a balanced perspective. If assistance is requested in this area, we review each client’s situation carefully and recommend creative solutions to repair miscommunications between employee and employer. We provide an objective viewpoint in a contentious situation, and our clients are empowered to resolve communication matters and move forward.
We can also help you with any of the following matters:
Identifying Opportunities for Growth
Assessment points and benchmarks are vital to your career path, and we support your efforts to be fully involved in employer-driven assessment procedures. We encourage you to collaborate with employers and employees to develop specific, identified processes for gauging performance and providing feedback.
As a next step, we recommend that a plan be developed for identifying growth opportunities. When the employee and employer have a shared understanding of value, both parties may begin a conversation regarding the employee’s best fit within the company.
Our Chicago attorneys make themselves available to coach clients with managing, fulfilling, and communicating expectations. Call (312) 345-6603 to make an appointment for a free consultation.

The Prinz Law Firm offers a variety of webinars for continuing education and training! Our offerings are geared toward employees, employers, professionals, and the general public, with topics ranging from preventing workplace sexual harassment to tips on how to prevail in difficult negotiations.