SSPI Workshop – Negotiation Strategies: Getting to a Client’s Best Outcome Through Research, Planning & Execution


Negotiation is a part of day-to-day life. From discussing with a spouse about where to go to dinner to haggling with a salesperson in a car lot, we are all negotiators of varying degree and skill, and most of us actually like the game of negotiation. Some so much so, they decide to become lawyers, the negotiators of the legal world.

Attorneys must be able to negotiate reliably, intelligently, ethically, and within strict legal boundaries to reduce contests between parties, encourage cooperation, and convert arguments into deals that benefit everyone, especially their own client. By some academic estimates, an attorney relies on some form of negotiation in 90% of all legal matters.

An upcoming SSPI workshop will be presented by Attorney Kristen Prinz, founder and managing partner of The Prinz Law Firm, to help lawyers get a better comprehension of negotiation, and therefore become better negotiators themselves. Points of conversation discussed in the workshop will include outlining the basics of negotiation, identifying where you could improve as a negotiator, using alternative solutions or proposals to gain an advantage, the importance of creativity in negotiations, and overcoming difficulties.

Veteran litigators, seasoned mentors, and up-and-coming lawyers alike are all invited to the workshop. To learn more about the workshop, or Attorney Prinz’s experience as a skilled legal negotiator, contact The Prinz Law Firm today.

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